Every province/state has their own rulesfor drinking in terms of liquor sale permission, distribution of alcohol, and minimum age restrictions for the person who is consuming it.
Generally, there is no defined age for legal alcohol purchase or consumption by the federal government. Each province and territory has the right to set its own drinking age.
The legal age of drinking in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, , Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Yukon is 19 years.
The rest three provinces Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec have set the minimum drinking age to 18 yearsold.
The drinking age was raised to 18 years in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec in 1985, and to 19 years in the rest of the country in 1988.
If you are coming to Canada from the US, you will have to prove your age before purchasing liquor. Age can be proved by any govt. issued IDs which has your photo and DOB on it.
These documents are acceptable to purchase or drink alcohol in Canada
- Canadian Citizenship Card- Driver´s Licence- Passport- Canadian Armed Forces ID Card- Secure Indian Status Card- Permanent Resident Card- Photo card issued by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)